Hello and welcome back to our Poverty challenge.
I dont get a lot of time to play so I will update as much and as
often as I can.
I love these pics of Aleigha dancing.
I think someone was jealous of her getting the attention.
But she continued dancing for ages...
So home again and after a sleep on day 5 of play we invited
Daniel Landchild over.
Yo get their fun up we went to the local park for a little
while, whilst there Daniel surprised Aleigha
with a proposition.
With no hesitation Aleigha said yes, they wasted no time exchanging rings
so now as per traditions Aleigha is now a Landchild.
Which does seem quite fitting considering they live
mostly off and on the land at the moment.
Silly dog doesnt know how tempting this is to find treasure.
I chant to myself as we fill in this hole.....
I will NOT dig for treasure.
Constantly eating out as we have no fridge still. Roll on
incoming simoleans.
Daniel seems to think there are birds inside this little hut,
or maybe he is hoping.
I love seeing photos as they are good when you cant paint.
nice little mementoes xx
Aleigha is shattered and I guess wondering why I am not telling her story right.
Blogging and I do not have a very good relationship.
Next update will include a baby so time should go a little faster then updates will
come a little quicker x
Awww married off! Now life will get interesting!