Monday, 8 February 2016

Honey - Round 4

Return the Honey Family

Alexia Honey ~ Adult 
Opal Honey ~ Adult 
Jayne Honey ~ Toddler 

 I am blogging too slow or playing too short rounds? I feel like this is taking forever.

We enter the lot with Jayne learning a nursery rhyme,

Yet another girl. Welcome to the world Lauren

Opal feeds lauren as soon as she is born.

Then puts her in her cot.

Hmm hire a nanny so she can skill. 

No no no Risky I do not want another baby yet I know they need a boy but it can wait.

All alone playing with her bunny

Because mum is out collecting butterflies.

Toddlers and baths she isn't even dirty, mind you I run a bubble bath and add food colouring so I can play with my 21 month old when he gets bored.

Jayne grows up.

Nooo we have another baby on the way, I hate the way these two are always getting down and dirty they could use protection once in a while especially since Opal is a romance sim.

We had to hire a repairman, all that skilling and they don't have mechanical.

Alexia helps Jayne with homework

Lauren grows up. 

The stupid nanny stood there for ages complaining she needs to go to the toilet, then pees herself even though no one used the bathroom. Snob won't use a cheap loo? 

Alexia on baby duty again.

A rare family meal :) the nanny never serves the food so the kids have to wait for a parent. 

potty trained :).

Oh no no no Jim Hamilton please go away.

sneaky little man can't you see the alarm? 

The cops arrive we should be safe now :) 

Mind the child wont you...

Your awfully close.

He got away, the cops in Laburna falls need more training I think.

Baby bump 

Jayne loves her little sister.

So she teaches her a nursery rhyme

just after this picture they got best friends, but I am still struggling with this
 camera taking pictures its so random.

I sent Alexia out to try and dig for some pennies and he found a Dynasty Vase 4000 simoleans :)
however you spell sim money x

I got bored being stuck in that house, I am so going to build them a new house soon, 
Opal took Jayne to the park.

Jayne walked straight over to fish and Chris joined her.

Loads of sims here but no one wanted to fish.

They quickly became friends though 
I love summer xx 

I am not sure when to send the teens to college so I am contemplating that one in the next house.

Sims in the hood 9 
Net worth 66,001


  1. It's tough with college isn't it? I almost always want to send them as soon as they are teens but then if they aren't skilled/ got teen jobs etc they don't get the scholarships.
    I think with my Prosperity I'm going to send them within their second week, unless they are naturally gifted children and skill up. :D

    1. It is a tough one, I sent Leeanna as soon as she had all her skills and I think I will send them all either when they have all skills or top of teen career xx

  2. You are doing fine with the pictures. And the rounds will get longer as you add extra sims to it, and college. don't rush play when you have time and blog when you have time. People are still reading. I am just catching up.

  3. Looks like things are going well. Sometimes rounds seem short, other times they seem long. The bigger the hood, the longer the rounds, especially when you add in uni. Your pictures are going just fine. :) I always struggle with when to send teens too. In my original prosperity I sent them right before they aged up, so they had all their teen years, in Clovercrest I'm sending them at the end of the last complete round they would have. So if they would age up sometime in the 5 days of the next round, they leave at the end of the current round. That way they get plenty of teen time, but also aren't hanging around forever, and leaving the house in the middle of the round.


The Poverty challenge Part 2

Hello and welcome back to our Poverty challenge.  I dont get a lot of time to play so I will update as much and as  often as I can. ...