Monday, 4 April 2016

Crazy Cat Lady

I know I know I possibly played this wrong.

Blogging my fellowship is as hard as playing so I thought I will play 
a little while I take a break as I don't have much time to play now the kids are off

So I didn't take play pictures but I did take end pictures. 

This is half way through play and I thought I would take a pic of the mess
I only had 6 cats for some reason no matter how many times I said try for kitten it never happens in my game. 

Poor Lady Kathy she rolled fortune and I was lucky enough to get 
have 6 pets reach top of career :) 

So we have Daisy who is a star and learned Play dead, Roll over and speak.

Focus who is a rescue cat, he learned Come here, Roll over and shake.

Lazer who is also a rescue cat, he learned Come here, play dead, roll over, shake and speak.

Raisin is a star, she was a quick learner and her needs always stayed relatively so
she learned come here, play dead, roll over, stay, shake, sit up and speak.

Suzy is another rescue cat, she learned come here, roll over, shake, speak and stay.

Lastly we have Tom who is also a rescue cat, 
He learned come here, play dead, roll over, 
shake and speak. 

And we say goodbye to Kathy who was best pals with all here cats and all her cats had the highest relationship with each other that I have ever had with pets, 
I don't normally play with pets as I am so bad with them. 

She only had 2 friends because we focused on the pets. 

Awww 6 sad little kitties xx 

Death must have a really weak bladder as he always 
uses the loo before leaving. 

I darent score this as I didn't really take pictures and I am not sure how to score it. I played after reading another blog and thought I would have a go xx 


  1. i think you can only have six pets at a time unless you have hack for more on the lot. Also the cats have to like the owner sometimes a lot before the cats can mate. Hope that helps.

  2. Ah okay well the challenge I read had 7, guess I done okay :) since I went the whole challenge with just 6. I cant seem to get kittens or pups any time I play even if I only have 2 animals I hate playing with pets xx


The Poverty challenge Part 2

Hello and welcome back to our Poverty challenge.  I dont get a lot of time to play so I will update as much and as  often as I can. ...